Set up

Setting up your environment

Install the packages

npm install uploadthing @stratus-dev/sdk

Add env variable

STRATUS_TOKEN=... # A secret key for your app (UUID) 

If you don't already have a Stratus secret key, sign up (opens in a new tab) and create one from the dashboard ! (opens in a new tab)

Create a Next.js API route

    • page.tsx
    • layout.tsx
      • route.ts
  • Example


    If you have better examples...submit a pull request (opens in a new tab).

    import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
    import { Client, StratusError } from "@stratus-dev/sdk";
    const client = new Client({
      // Pretty soon we will clean this all up...
      apiKey: process.env.STRATUS_TOKEN!,
      apiURL: "",
    export async function POST(req: NextRequest){
    // Inside a route method
      try {
        const rateLimited = await client.rateLimit();
        if (rateLimited) {
          return NextResponse.json(
            { error: "Rate limited." },
            { status: 429 }
      // Further logic if not rate limited
      // ...
        return NextResponse.json(
          { message: "Success" },
          { status: 200 }
        if (error instanceof StratusError) {
          return NextResponse.json({ error: error.cause }, { status: error.code });
        return NextResponse.json(
          { message: error.message || "Error" },
          { status: 500 }

    The default rate limit, is 5 requests per second